Justine Gaignault is a French hand-weaver and textile designer, specializing in Jacquard weaving.
She works on bespoke artisanal projects for designers, decorators and architects in her Paris studio.
In 2022, she created a collection of textiles for interior decoration. This collection was born of a desire to revalue two natural materials, linen and wool. The wool (Segard Masurel, Tourcoing and Filature Terrade, Felletin) and linen (Safilin, Béthune) used in her creations are entirely French. While wool shrinks under the effect of wet felting, linen remains stable, creating a tension between the two materials that imbues the weavings with a dimension both voluminous and elastic, transforming their initial form in unexpected ways. Each piece is made to order, minimizing material waste and perpetuating a commitment to responsible production. The pieces are designed on a hand loom in Paris and produced in a Jacquard factory in Belgium. Felting and finishing are handmade in Paris.
In 2022, she joined the prestigious Bureau du Design, de la Mode et des Métiers d'Art support program.